Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Children Should Be Allowed to Watch Shooting Games 9-30-11 Commentary

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Don’t you think at times we blame things instead of those who do crime. The London mayor has announced Children will be barred from watching shooting events at the 2012 London Olympics.

The restriction is designed to help stem London’s rising gun-crime rate, and to prevent the “glorification” of firearms.

The problem is not guns but how guns are used. The problem also goes deeper into culture too many kids in the UK and America are growing up in broken homes, and going to schools that don't teach right or wrong or that there is a God that has a good plan for their lives.

This step is not going to stop kids from doing bad things it just will make those on the left feel good and it will keep a lot of good kids from seeing guns used in a good way.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Some Are Blaming Israel 9-29-11 Commentary

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Don’t you think we who follow Christ owe a lot to our Jewish friends. One Messianic Jew says says there has been a rebirth of global anti-Semitism as many people, including Christians, are falling prey to the idea that Israel is the problem in the Middle East and is treating Palestinians unjustly.

Those of us who are followers of the Lord Jesus and based our lives on the Bible must remain committed to the Jewish People. After all we would not have the Savior Jesus if it was not for the Jewish people.

By the way I need monthly supporters to keep these commentaries on the radio if you would like to support this ministry please contact me. Thanks.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Teacher Fired for Expressing His Views 9-28-11 Commentary

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Don’t you think teachers should have the right to express their views on their own time. A Florida teacher who was teacher of the year has been suspended and removed from the classroom for comments made on his own Facebook page against homosexual "marriage." >

So a teacher on his own free time doesn't have the freedom to express his own views. Those who support same sex marriage want to take away our freedoms to express our views even if they are based on the Bible.

The good news is this teacher has been restated .

By the way I need monthly supporters to keep these commentaries on the radio if you would like to support this ministry please contact me. Thanks.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Court Isn't Always the Answer 9-27-11 Commentary

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Don’t you think people of faith should do things differently than the world. A federal appeals court says a high school history teacher who put creationism down cannot be sued by a student . >
I have asked before and I ask it again here why do us who believe the Bible always want to sue when somebody attacks our faith. A better idea in this case would be to in a respectful way talk to the teacher explain what you believe in creation. Also if we would remove our children from the education camps known as the government schools their faith would not be attacked. There are times when it might be proper to go to court but not all the time not even most of the time.
What do you think.
Until Next Time
I’m Billy David Dickson

Faith in America 9-26-11 Commentary


A Duke University professor's new analysis of decades' worth of data suggests that American religious belief is getting gradually weaker and less widespread than it once was. In a book released last month, the author argues that Americans have less trust in and growing dissatisfaction with religious leaders. He says that makes people less likely to attend regular worship services than they were a generation ago.

This may not seem like good news but I do see a light in this perhaps some of these souls will see religious faith is not the answer but a relationship with the Lord Jesus is which no church can give you regardless what it preaches.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

supporting sexual abuse against children 9-23-11 Commentary

Don’t you think we should be concerned about those who are abused by others. Several well-known researchers have made unexpected arguments supporting those who commit sexual abuse against children at an academic conference in Baltimore.

Liberty Counsel Action's Matt Barber attended the conference and says he felt he was on a different planet. He says the entire focus of the event was on the victimhood of the abuser . There was "very little concern for the children who are the victims of these individuals when they are raped. Barber said.

As a follower of the Lord Jesus I believe people can be changed and be forgiven by God if they will repent but that doesn't mean we at all should excuse sin or bad behavior. And that is what they did at this conference. The rights of children must come first.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

911 Cross Should Upset Souls 9-22-11 Commentary

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Some souls on the left are upset by a cross that is displayed at the 9/11 memorial site in New York City. I have no problem with this cross being displayed and I think those who are upset by it’s display are wrong.

However should we be shocked that the cross upsets people. As part of an article which was posted on the Christianity Today web site said. "The cross has always provoked a variety of responses, most of which have been negative. The cross upsets souls because it shows that a sinless Savior had to die for your sins and mine. As the Jewish-turned Christian theologian St. Paul put it, "a stumbling block and foolishness. It is also the power of the cross that saves our souls."

What do you think.

Until Next Time I’m Billy David Dickson

Purpose of the Ten Commandments 9-21-11 Commentary


What is the purpose of the
Ten Commandments ? The American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ) is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hear an Ohio Ten Commandments case. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has also filed suit, but the ACLJ attorney is asking the Supreme Court to take the case, as his organization argues the ACLU does not have legal standing to sue
.I have no problem with governments displaying the Ten Commandments but something I am afraid followers of Jesus forget who keep fighting court cases to have them display is that no one can keep them or by keeping any of them does one get right with the living God.
What do you think
Until Next Time,
I'm Billy David Dickson

I don't Want People Pleasing Leaders 9-20-11 Commentary

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I want leaders who will not be people pleasers do you? Last month Starbucks' chief executive canceled a high-profile church appearance after an online protest over the congregation's views on homosexuality.

It is too bad when leaders are fearful to stand up for what is right and are forced not to do something because of the views of others. Today we hear a lot about being tolerant of others but where is the tolerance for us who believe what the Bible says about homosexuality. .

By the way I need monthly supporters to keep these commentaries on the radio if you would like to support this ministry please contact me. Thanks.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Did Paul of Jesus Ever Go to Court 9-19-11 Commentary


Did Jesus or Paul ever go to court to have the right to preach the good news? There will be no "fishers of men" (Matthew 4:19) at the Salmon Days Festival in Washington. The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) has filed suit in federal court on behalf of the owner of a small construction company who was prevented from freely distributing Christian literature in public areas during the festival.
I dislike it when followers of Jesus are not allowed to follow their faith but is the answer always to go to court We must never forget we are commanded not to fight our battles the way the world does. There is a god of this world who hates us and doesn't want others to come to him that is who our fight should be with.
What do you think.
Until Next Time
I’m Billy David Dickson

Monday, September 12, 2011

Symbol of American childhood lemonade stand 9-16-11

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Children should not be punished unless they do wrong right and some of the rules that us adults have and our governments have are insane. There’s no more symbol of American childhood than the lemonade stand. Police in Iowa, this Summer shut down three lemonade stands. The town requires vendors to have a permit

I wonder if those who are going after these kids would rather that they be like the kids in the UK who are breaking into shops and hurting people in the riots.

By the way I need monthly supporters to keep these commentaries on the radio if you would like to support this ministry please contact me. Thanks.

What do you think.

Until Next Time,

I’m Billy David Dickson

Devil in Politics 9-14-11 Commentary

Don’t you think we should not make the devil out to be some political tool to see our political will done. Awhile back after a deal in the budget debate was reached between President Obama and Congress one of our leaders in D.C. called the deal a Satan sandwich."
The leader that called it that besides being a leader in D.C. is a Pastor so he should have known better. There is a real devil that we shouldn’t play politics with.
I know there is a devil for two reasons the Bible says there is one and I follow current events. How can one explain all the bad horrible things that happens in this world like drugs, crime, terrorists attacks if there is no devil. Now we should not give the devil too much power at the same time we should accept the devil has some power which is limited but greater is God who is in us. What do you think.
Until Next Time ,
I’m Billy David Dickson

Closing the Boarders 9-13-11 Commentary

Believe it or not they are closing the Borders with many souls getting into our nation in a non legal way and some of them are terrorists, or drug runners, this may sound like a good move or direction for our nation to take. However I am talking about the large chain of bookstores that’s going out of business, closing all of their remaining 399 stores in malls and shopping centers across the nation.

I will miss Boarders. There is still something cool about a book to read that is not downloaded on your computer. Lets support the book stores in our community so they don’t become the next Borders to close.

Pray for the employees of Borders along with other souls who are looking for jobs or will be looking for jobs.

What do you think.

Until Next Time,

I’m Billy David Dickson

Ten Years After 911 9-12-11 Commentary

Our Jewish friends having a saying about the Holocaust we must never forget. In fact they have a special day in Israel when everyone stops what they doing I mean people get out of their cars to remember it. Yes they have gone on with their lives but they want that horrible event not forgotten so it will never happen again. We would do well to follow their example. Yesterday was the ann. of the horrible 911 attacks. All of us in America must accept as fact there are people who want to destroy America and murder us. Their faith is based on a god who demands that they send their sons to die for him unlike the Christian faith which is about a God who sent his son to die for the whole world. Pray for America.
What do you think.
Until Next Time,
I’m Billy David Dickson

Monday, September 5, 2011

Soul Surfer. 9-9-11 Commentary

Last month members of my family including myself attended the movie Soul Surfer. I had been wanting to see this movie for awhile and I know now it is out on DVD. If you didn’t see the movie please rent or buy the DVD. As the lady at the movie who sold us our food told us it is a movie which makes you feel good after you see it.

The movie doesn't exclude God or the Bible from it as too many movies do. A part that those who created the movie wanted to cut out is a part that shows a father reading his Bible next to the bed in his daughter's hospital room.

The family who’s true story the movie was based on said no the Bible needed to stay in the movie. Good for them and good for those who made this movie. What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Crystal Cathedral Trouble 9-8-11 Commentary

Don’t you think if a church doesn’t preach the whole Bible it might lead to God removing his blessing from that church. So what are my thoughts about the trouble the Crystal Cathedral in CA. is having.

The Southern California church launched by Robert Schuller is having trouble. It owes a lot in unpaid bills and has declared Bankruptcy. Let me make it clear God has not told me this but I just wonder if this church is having trouble today because it doesn't preach the whole Bible. You know the parts about sin and hell.

Dr. Schuller I heard some place say the worst thing the Bible believing churches have done is to tell people they are sinners. Dr. Schuller is a gifted preacher with vision but he needs to preach the whole Bible.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Challenging the Catholic Church 9-7-11 Commentary

Don’t you think all people of faith should be willing to challenge their church if the leadership of the church does wrong. Irish Prime Minister Kenny has given it to the Vatican for how it has handled the sexual abuse of children in his Romans Catholic Church.

Let me make it clear the Catholic Church has done a lot of good it’s stand for the unborn should put a lot of us Evangelicals to shame who were slow to that cause. The Prime Minister was upset how the church seems to not have reported abuse to legal authorities. He said that “the Irish people, including the very many faithful Catholics who – like him – have been shocked and dismayed by the repeated failings of Church authorities to face up to what is required.

For the sake of the children I hope the leaders of this church will listen to the Prime Minister.

What do you think.

Until Next Time I’m Billy David Dickson

Amy Winehouse's Life/Death 9-6-11 Commentary

If somebody you know does drugs or drinks too much besides praying for them do what you can for them or they might end up being another Amy Winehouse.

We all learned a few months ago of her tragic death, from an overdose. Winehouse won a grammy for her song “Rehab." Here are the chilling lyrics of that song. “They tried to make me go to rehab, but I said, ‘no, no, no.’”

We called what Winehouse did an art but all art is embedded with ideas that are either true or false, genuine or counterfeit. Her death should be a lesson to all young people not to use drugs and not to join the drinking crowd I bet today Amy wishes she had not. What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Labor Day/Not Working 9-5-11 Commentary

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It is Labor Day and we all know Labor isn’t just what your birth mother did before you came into this world. It is work.
Labor Day use to be the last holiday before schools started after Summer break though now most schools start before Labor Day sorry kids.
It was also the day we saw Jerry Lewis raise money for MD.
Mostly this day should be about work. Today the value of work is missing from our culture. People rather stay home and get a check from Uncle Sam than go to work. We need to start working and trusting in God again who’s word says if you can work but don’t you shouldn’t eat. What do you think.
Until Next Time
I’m Billy David Dickson