Sunday, July 31, 2011

I don't Want Casey/OJ to Get God's Justice 8-5-11

God's Justice

After the verdict that Casey Anthony did not murder her child people around the nation and world were so upset they were yelling for justice. I understand that. We saw the same after the OJ trial where it appears somebody got away with murder.

We all want justice in our court system. However when Casey Anthony or OJ die should we want God to give them justice because we are going to get the same thing.

If we get justice we will all end up in hell because we are going to be compared to sinless Jesus that is why we need to receive him as savior in this life. We aren’t going to be compared to Hitler when we die but to perfect Jesus. What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

God Knows Who Killed Her 8-4-11 Commentary

The big headline-maker of the day: Did Casey kill Caylee? Headlines like “Jury Had Sympathy?”, “Verdict Brings Tears, Shock, Outrage”, “Casey Anthony’s Future: Freedom, Book Deal?”, were in papers, on I Pads, and on talk radio. Did Caylee get away with murder I don’t know based on what I heard she did commit murder.. However God knows if she did it or not and she will have to answer to him one day. Sadly our court system is not perfect at times people get away with crime other times those who did not commit crimes are punished by the courts. However God is the perfect judge he knows the truth. He makes no mistakes right. What do you think. Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Bad Children Can Change 8-3-11

Don’t you think we should have hope for children to change at the same time they should be punished when they do wrong right.

In the city where I do these broadcasts two boys, ages 12 and 13, have been charged with a sexual attack on a 5-year-old girl and her 7-year-old brother at a park. They allegedly forced the girl to perform sex acts and forced her brother to take part. According to investigators the assault was recorded on the boys' cell phones.

Letters in the paper are calling for these kids to be punished harshly.

I agree they should be punished but they should not be put in adult prisons. We don’t want them to come out worst do we. Children don’t belong in adult prisons. These kids should be punished but not as adults.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Same Sex Marriage and Children 8-2-11

People who say same sex marriage will not make a difference in the lives of our children should think about this.

A preschool in Sweden is no longer allowing it’s staff to us pronouns like "he" or "she" when referring to students? This is another example of what happens when marriage is redefined to include same-sex couples.

As Christians, we have a great deal of compassion for those struggling with gender confusion; they should be treated with respect, dignity and love right. At the same time, however, we stand against the idea that gender is meaningless and that men and women are really no different from each other.

God made some males and some females and he knows best right.

What do you think.

Until Next Time I’m Billy David Dickson

Denomination Rejects the Bible 8-1-11 Commentary

One of the oldest denominations in the country finally caved and now allows openly gay clergy to serve its congregations.

The highest elected official of the Presbyterian Church USA, said “…some people are ready to get to the other side of this decision. I hope…we can stay together and be faithful witnesses to the Gospel…”

What gospel is he talking about? It is true that Jesus Christ forgives all sin and accepts all sinners that will turn to him. But He commands sinners to leave a sinful lifestyle,

Where there is no truth there can’t be unity.

Don’t you think this move by this church might be a good reason for Bible based souls to get out of this denomination.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Keeping Kids Out of the Big House July 29, 2011 Commentary

Here is a great idea. I think all good parents want their kids to avoid the big house.

If that is the case in your house take your kids to God’s house and don’t just take them go with them. Taking a bite out of crime may be as easy as sinking your behind into church.

According to the latest numbers, kids who worship monthly at a church aren't as likely to get pulled over by police when they grow up. And they're less likely to get charged when they do.

I guess the more you're exposed to God's law, the less likely you are to break the laws of our land.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Women Needed Too: July 28, 2011 Commentary

Don’t you think we need women and men in the world. If not people we need will not be produced right. Guess what 163 million women are missing from the world.

Nature’s design is that 105 boys are born for every 100 girls, but this ratio has gone desperately out of balance since the 1970’s according to the author of Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls and the Consequences of a World Full of Men.

What sparked this? Technologies that reveal the sex of babies has led to extreme sex selection by abortion in many countries. The Freedom of choice has created the freedom to kill. Where are all the women feminist.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Visit from Teachers: July 27, 2011 Commentary

They heard a knock on their door.” it's the new teacher and the art teacher, Mom,” Emilie said.“Oh my gosh, it's Tuesday,” Jamie Sacks said. She had forgotten about the letter that the Ralston teachers had sent out, telling parents they'd be stopping by to talk.

But it wasn't because one of the kids was in trouble. The family welcomed the teachers inside, where they tried to get the coming school year off to a good — and early — start.

They chatted about the kids' summer and asked if Jamie had any concerns about this school year. About 10 minutes later, the teachers had met a parent, and the parent had met the teachers — two months before the back-to-school greetings are typically exchanged. What a great idea.

As a youth worker I know what it means to kids and their parents when you are willing to give them sometime. What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

NEA Should Put Children First July 26, 2011 Commentary

Don’t you think the main job of those who educate our children are to educate the children. The nation's largest education union has endorsed President Barack Obama's 2012 re-election campaign.

Members of the National Education Association voted to support Obama at their annual convention in Chicago on the 4Th of July. The leadership of this union cares more about politics than helping children. They oppose school choice everywhere which would give poor kids the same chances as rich kids to get a good education.

It is a dishonor when a teacher's union puts politics ahead of the kids. It is also sad because there are many good teachers in the government schools who are putting the kids first.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Obey God and the Laws of the Land July 25, 2011 Commentary

"I'm told by the Hispanic community that perhaps 40 percent of all the Southern Baptist Hispanics in America are undocumented -- which shouldn't surprise us," says Richard Land who heads the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission "I mean, they come here to work, and we aggressively evangelize and they find Jesus as their Savior . The first job of the church is to reach people with the good news of Jesus however after salvation shouldn’t we teach converts what the Bible says about obeying the laws of the land.

We who follow Christ are to obey the laws of the land unless by obeying those laws we would disobey a command of God. As Peter would have when in the book of Acts he said we must obey God rather than men.

What do you think.

Until Next Time I’m Billy David Dickson --


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Nation Gone Under July 22, 2011 Commentary

“Under God Indivisible.” Don’t you think we should always remember those words when we are saying the pledge to our flag. However NBC left those three words completely out of two video features on the Pledge of Allegiance that were run as part of their U.S. Open coverage.

The outcry was quick, forcing the network to issue an apology later that Sunday afternoon. NBC officials claim that it was an omission and that they didn’t intend to offend anyone. Perhaps this was just a mistake but the overall attitude at NBC and in much of the media is an anti American, and anti faith.

Perhaps President Reagan was right when he said: “If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Children Rights July 21, 2011 Commentary

I don’t believe children are adults or should have the same rights as adults do you? The Supreme Court in a ruling late last month said the state of California could not prohibit the sale or rental of violent video games to children.

Two of the justices went against the majority one of them was Clarence Thomas who said the founding fathers didn’t mean the right of minors to access speech without having to go through their parents when they wrote the first amendment.

This should remind us that parents need to be the ones in charge of their children. The court needs to embrace the fact children aren’t adults. Children can’t drive, drink, or vote.

Parents should raise kids not the courts.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

The Manhattan Declaration July 20, 2011 Commentary

\If you are a follower of Jesus I don’t believe anything should come second to proclaiming the good news of Jesus do you? Well some followers of Jesus are encouraging other followers of Christ to sign The Manhattan Declaration. That declaration for the most part is a statement that was written by different spiritual leaders to take on the culture issues. However a concern I have is the document seems to accept anyone who says they are a follower of Jesus as one as long as they belong to a Christian church. My Bible doesn’t teach that. Radio Bible teacher and Pastor John MacArthur has the same concern so he refused to put his name on the statement.
As important as the moral issues are we can’t make anything more important than the gospel can we. What do you think.
Until Next
Time I’m Billy David Dickson

Christians is killed July 19, 2011 Commentary

I think at times followers of Jesus here in America get upset over little things don’t you. A new report from an Italian sociologist shows that a Christian is killed every five minutes because of his or her faith, and the researcher says it's critical that that information is made known to the world.

The study points out that approximately 105,000 Christians are killed every year. You see here in America we don't have it too hard. Too many followers of Christ here in America think we aren't being treated right if the sermon doesn't end before the NFL kickoff, or we are being treated bad because the schools won't allow our kids to say a state approved prayer.)

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Non Faithful Pastor July 18, 2011 Commentary

Don’t you think a Pastor should be faithful to what the Bible teaches. A homosexual Methodist pastor from Wisconsin has been suspended for 20 days for officiating at a lesbian "wedding." Amy DeLong freely admitted her action, which prompted a church trial .

A jury of clergy convicted her and decided on the sentence . It looks like this church body isn't willing to enforce it's own rules or God's rules for that matter. This Pastor is going to have to stand before God's court one day and he isn't going to suspended her for just for 20 days.) Again shouldn't’t Pastors be faithful to what the Bible teaches. Of course too many Pastors don’t believe follow the Lordship of God’s word do they.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

No Heaven Sign July 15, 2011 Commentary

I don’t understand why some souls get upset over what they get upset over do you.

To honor seven Brooklyn firefighters who died on 9/11, a street is being renamed "Seven in Heaven Way." But atheists say that is improper because it links heroism to Christianity.

In response to the situation, commentator Janet Parshall makes note of "billboards that go down the streets of Washington, DC, and New York City, basically saying it's okay not to believe in God." Isn't it crazy what those who are anti God and anti faith will do. Those of us who have spiritual faith have to deal with things that attack our beliefs all the time but the naming of a street to honor dead firemen upsets those who don't believe in God

This sounds crazy to me doesn’t it to you.

What do you think.

Until Next Time I’m Billy David Dickson

A Cult July 14, 2011 Commentary

Would you call the following spiritual views in line with Bible based Christian faith. Jesus and Satan are brothers and we were all born as siblings in heaven to them both. A plan of salvation was needed for the people of earth so Jesus offered a plan to the Father and Satan offered a plan to the father but Jesus' plan was accepted. We will one day become a god. Jesus' sacrifice was not able to cleanse us from all our sins, God had sexual relations with Mary to make the body of Jesus.

What I just listed are classic views of what the Mormon church teaches.

If something goes against the Bible it can’t be Christian right and the Mormon church isn’t teaching Bible based Christian faith. The Mormon church is a cult.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Parents Helping Kids Do Wrong July 13, 2011 Commentary

Don’t you think parents should be teaching what is right to their kids. "Honey, I served the kids!". One out of every 10 drinks poured in America is given to an underage kid. And parents may be the biggest reason why.
According to the government, 30% of teens said their last alcoholic drink was served at home. And 21% said a parent or other family member played bartender.
It's part of a new trend. Moms and dads buy the booze to keep kids under their roof and off the road. But teaching them to drink responsibly is no substitute for parenting responsibly.
Parents should be teaching their kids what is right and wrong not encouraging them to do things which are wrong. Do you think in some cases it might be the parents who need to be grounded.
What do you think.
Until Next Time
I’m Billy David Dickson

Voting Issues July 12, 2011 Commentary

A recent survey of voters by the Barna Group has found most Americans will cast their votes in 2012 based on issues like health care, taxes, terrorism, and employment. In other words, issues that “affect their personal security and comfort,” while issues like abortion, poverty, environmental policy, and gay marriage -- or the “moral” issues- were less important to the majority of voters.

However there was a clear exception. Self-identified religious conservatives clearly cared about more issues than the non-religious. And it should be that way.

A Biblical perspective sees all dimensions of reality as important to God.

On the other hand, secularism limits our view, failing to see the important connection between issues of civic policy and personal morality.

What do you think.

Until Next Time I’m Billy David Dickson

Don't Follow Spiritual Teacher July 11, 2011 Commentary

Don’t you think we get in trouble when put all of our faith in spiritual teachers? Here is a reason you should not become a follower of a teacher or a gifted pastor.

Carlton Pearson once very popular on TBN and educated at Oral Roberts University now says there is no hell. Now I don’t like the parts in the Bible about hell but just because we humans don’t like something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

A preacher who won’t preach about hell is like a fireman who refuses to save people when a house is burning.

I wonder if Rev. Pearson has or will cut the parts out of his Bible about hell. What do you think. Until Next Time I’m Billy David Dickson

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Peter Singer Hope July 8, 2011 Commentary

Peter Singer, the most famous bioethicist on the planet known for his thinking Moral absolutes do not exist, so we should do the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Consistently, Singer has publicly defended abortion, euthanasia without consent, and even infanticide -- arguing that parents should have the rights to kill newborns if they wish.

But at a recent ethics conference at Oxford, Singer acknowledged that his views do not have answers in dealing with certain contemporary challenges and he even said he had regrets about not believing in God. C. S. Lewis, himself once an atheist warned, “Really, a young Atheist cannot guard his faith too carefully.

Lets pray Peter embraces the truth.

What do you think. Until Next Time, I’m Billy David Dickson

July 7, 2011 We Should Never Say We Are Sorry Commentary

I don’t believe us who are committed to the Lordship of the Bible should say we are ever sorry for following the word. It is who we are after all. We have to be true to ourselves and to our Lord don’t we.
A Southern Baptist leader doesn't think a pro-homosexual group will get too far with its request for an apology from the Southern Baptists. Terry Fox, senior pastor of Summit Church says the group is looking in the wrong place for an apology.
"I think they're the ones that owe America an apology," he contends. "Their whole platform, that whole nothing but perversion, and it damages families, it damages children. Ultimately, it damages our own society." Amen we need to follow the Bible hate the sin love the sinner.
What do you think.
Until Next Time I’m Billy David Dickson

July 6, 2011 Commentary Pro Life Rev. Jackson

"What happens to the mind of a person, and the moral fabric of a nation, that accepts the aborting of the life of a baby . It is that question, the question of our attitude, our value system, and our mind-set with regard to the nature and worth of life itself that is the central question confronting mankind. Failure to answer that question affirmatively may leave us with a hell right here on earth."

Who said that. Some pro life radical nope it was Jesse Jackson back when he was pro life before politics got in the way.

It is sad when somebody puts politics ahead of what is right or wrong.

What do you think.

Until Next Time I’m Billy David Dickson

July 5th, 2011 Commentary

Kathy Ireland isn't just a supermodel, she's a great role model. In an interview with FOX411, the former cover girl says she's on board with the campaign to defund Planned Parenthood.

"I think Planned Parenthood needs to reassess what their values are, what their mission is, what their goals are, and [whether] they deserve government funding? ... [T]here are non-profits that I'm involved with, and we don't get government funding," Ireland said.

Ireland used to be pro-abortion, but says she changed her mind when she talked to America's top scientists. None of them could prove to her that unborn babies weren't human beings.

What do you think.

Until Next Time I’m Billy David Dickson

July 4, 2011: Happy Birthday America!

Happy Birthday America! Today is our nations’s birthday.

I know many of you will have cook outs, or family get togethers . Both of which are cool to do but lets not forget what this day is about. Too often today we forget what our nation is all about..

We hear from some in the media and even some leaders say that America is no longer unique. The truth is we are very unique. Yes we have problems but you are free to voice your views here in America.

We are also free to worship or not worship God.

Most of all I hope you have spiritual freedom which you can have through Jesus Christ. You see if you don’t have Jesus in your soul you aren’t really free.

What do you think. Until Next Time I’m Billy David Dickson