Saturday, March 26, 2011

Legitimizing sharia law in U.S.?

Muslim symbolA bestselling author and terrorism expert says a Florida judge has set a very bad precedent in ruling that a dispute between two Muslim parties can be settled under sharia law.

Circuit Judge Richard Nielson has come under attack from conservatives after he ruled in early March that a lawsuit filed against the Islamic Education Center of Tampa Bay by four ousted trustees can proceed under Islamic (or sharia) law. The issue involves whether an arbitration by an Islamic scholar was proper. Nielsen ruled that the mosque's ex-trustees were ousted improperly, which if upheld, could wrest control of $2.2-million from the Center's current leaders. ( Legitimizing sharia law in U.S.?)

(Billy's Thoughts>>> This is the United States of America should not a judge follow our laws when deciding a case. If a judge can't or won't follow our laws it just may be time for him to leave the bench.)

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