Saturday, March 23, 2013

Chicago School Closings might be a blessing, 3-22-13 commentary

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's office indicated Thursday he plans to close 54 elementary schools in poor, predominantly black neighborhoods because Chicago public schools face a $1 billion shortfall.

According to the Associated Press, "many of the schools identified for closure are in high-crime areas where gang violence contributed to a marked increase in Chicago's homicide rate last year." These schools are in "overwhelmingly black and in low-income neighborhoods."

In addition, "about 30,000 students will be affected by the plan, with about half that number moving into new schools."

Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis said she intends to fight the mayor every step of the way to prevent the closures, which may be finalized in May.

“Rahm Emanuel has become the ‘murder mayor.’ He is murdering public services," Lewissaid. "Murdering our ability to maintain public sector jobs and now he has set his sights on our public schools. But we have news for him: We don’t intend to die. This is not Detroit."

Chicago Public Schools claimed the plan could "save the district $560 million over 10 years in capital costs and an additional $43 million per year in operating costs."

I have some thoughts on this news.

A. These school closings might give these kids a chance to get a moral and and Bible based education in schools where they can be told God loves them. Religious and private based schools should reach out to these families.

B. Why is it ok for a Democrat leader to close schools to save money but those on the left don't support school choice that would give poor kids the same chance at a good education as rich kids.

What do you think.

Until next time,

I'm Billy David Dickson
Billy David Dickson All Rights Reserved, 2013
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