Saturday, August 17, 2013

Pick Hell Over An Anti-Gay Heaven , 8-15-13 commentary

Just because a spiritual leader has done good on one issue doesn't mean he should not be challenged when he disobeys the word of God on another issue.Does it?

Desmond Tutu a retired Anglican bishop who rose to worldwide fame during the 1980s as an opponent of apartheid in South Africa now is a backer of same sex marriage.

Desmond Tutu, said a few weeks ago that if he had his pick, he’d go to hell before heading to a heaven that condemned homosexuality as sin.

“I would not worship a God who is homophobic and that is how deeply I feel about this,” he said, by way of denouncing religions that discriminate against gays.

“I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven. No, I would say sorry, I mean I would much rather go to the other place.”

He made the remarks during the United Nations‘ launch of its gay-rights campaign in Cape Town.

Mr. Tutu also likened equal rights for gays to the fight for equal rights for blacks.

“I am as passionate about this campaign as I ever was about apartheid,” he said, . “For me, it is at the same level.”

This shows Mr. Tutu does't accept how all sin is out of the will of God and how all sin Grieves God's heart.

This also shows Tuto doesn't fully accept or embrace the power of the cross to forgive and change sinners.

What do you think,

Until next time,

I'm Billy David Dickson

Billy David Dickson All Rights Reserved, 2013
This blog may be reproduced in whole or in part with a full attribution statement. Contact Billy or read more commentary on current issues at

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Pastor at church Obama attended on Easter preaches the kingdom of this world, 4-12-13 commentary

I am blessed that my pastor and others he has preaches teach the word of God every Sunday and stays away from politics. If it be from the left or the right. When I attend church I don't want hear about politics or the upcoming election unless it is my election which Jesus has bought. And for sure on Easter Sunday or as I call it Resurrection Sunday I don't hear about politics at church. That is the day of all days pastors should proclaim how Jesus died and was raised by God the father from the dead. Sadly that is not what President Obama and his family heard in church on Easter morning. THE REV. LUIS LEON CRITICIZED THE SO-CALLED RELIGIOUS RIGHT FOR “HOLDING BACK” PROGRESS ON SAME-SEX MARRIAGE, IMMIGRATION AND OTHER ISSUES that concern the world.
This pastor must have been living in a cave because the religious right has been gone for awhile. Since this pastor believes in same sex marriage he must not believe what the word of God teaches. I would also like to know who in the so called religious right wants blacks to be in the back of the bus.
Jesus teaches in the Bible his Kingdom is not of this world. This pastor's kingdom seems to be this world. Too bad the souls including President Obama who attended his church on Easter morning didn't hear about the Kingdom of God.
What do you think?
Until next time,
I am Billy David Dickson

Billy David Dickson All Rights Reserved, 2013
This blog may be reproduced in whole or in part with a full attribution statement. Contact Billy or read more commentary on current issues at

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Chicago School Closings might be a blessing, 3-22-13 commentary

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's office indicated Thursday he plans to close 54 elementary schools in poor, predominantly black neighborhoods because Chicago public schools face a $1 billion shortfall.

According to the Associated Press, "many of the schools identified for closure are in high-crime areas where gang violence contributed to a marked increase in Chicago's homicide rate last year." These schools are in "overwhelmingly black and in low-income neighborhoods."

In addition, "about 30,000 students will be affected by the plan, with about half that number moving into new schools."

Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis said she intends to fight the mayor every step of the way to prevent the closures, which may be finalized in May.

“Rahm Emanuel has become the ‘murder mayor.’ He is murdering public services," Lewissaid. "Murdering our ability to maintain public sector jobs and now he has set his sights on our public schools. But we have news for him: We don’t intend to die. This is not Detroit."

Chicago Public Schools claimed the plan could "save the district $560 million over 10 years in capital costs and an additional $43 million per year in operating costs."

I have some thoughts on this news.

A. These school closings might give these kids a chance to get a moral and and Bible based education in schools where they can be told God loves them. Religious and private based schools should reach out to these families.

B. Why is it ok for a Democrat leader to close schools to save money but those on the left don't support school choice that would give poor kids the same chance at a good education as rich kids.

What do you think.

Until next time,

I'm Billy David Dickson
Billy David Dickson All Rights Reserved, 2013
This blog may be reproduced in whole or in part with a full attribution statement. Contact Billy or read more commentary on current issues at

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Some in Nebraska wants Hagel record looked at, 2-22-13 commentary

Don't you think we need to put the nation first ahead of politics, and even pride in our home state.
I am from Nebraska the home state of Chuck Hagel. One of our two GOP Senators have come out in support of Hagel. Some in my state think it would be great to have a Nebraska boy working for the President. However many of us like others around America are putting the country first by having questions if Hagel is right for the job. All of us should be thankful for what Hagel did for the nation while in the military.
Still he has a record while he served as a US Senator. There ae some troubling things he did while in office which all in the Senate should look into. Such as his comments
What do you think,
Until next time,
I'm Billy David Dickson

Billy David Dickson All Rights Reserved, 2013
This blog may be reproduced in whole or in part with a full attribution statement. Contact Billy or read more commentary on current issues at

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Evangelical Christian thoughts on the Pope Stepping Down, 2-15-13 commentary

When somebody leaves a job or ministry don't you think we should examine what they did while holding that position.
This week the head of the Catholic Church shocked members of his church by saying he will step down later this month. Pope Benedict becomes the first pope in modern times to step down before death. The reason Benedict has given for leaving is he no longer is able to do the job he was elected to do.
If you don't mind I thought I would give you some thoughts that I as an Evangelical Christian hold far as this Pope goes.
The Pope showed he is humble by admitting he can no longer do the job he was given which is refreshing in much of our me first culture which has even impacted the church. Too often today people do what is best for them not look out for what is best for others as the Bible tells us to.
Benedict once said Islam might not be a peaceful faith. Recent events and the history books have proven him right.
The Pope also took on the culture. He stood for life. He followed Bible based and Catholic based values. While the culture and much of the media proclaimed the Catholic Church needed to change to be up to date with the times the Pope remained faithful to the traditions of his church.
One major way I was disappointed with Pope Benedict is he said that any congregation outside the Roman Catholic Church was not really a church at all, and any such congregation calling itself Christian was defective.
The truth is all people no matter if they are Catholic or not must admit they are a sinner and embrace that they can't save themselves but Jess did everything we needed to be saved. Regardless what church you belong to church membership won't save you.
I wish the Pope the best.
What do you think,
Until next time,
I'm Billy David Dicksonl

Billy David Dickson All Rights Reserved, 2013
This blog may be reproduced in whole or in part with a full attribution statement. Contact Billy or read more commentary on current issues at

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Children used by President Obama as a political tool, 1-18-13 commentary

We all should look out for the children shouldn't we?
A few days ago President Obama went to an all new low. He used children to push for new gun laws. President Obama had children around him as he gave a speech pushing for new gun laws. By the way what are parents thinking who allow their children to be used as political tools.
The left has been pushing for new gun laws since the horrible shooting at that grade school in Connecticut. The President has said we must do something for the children. THE MOST INNOCENT OF CHILDREN ARE THE UNBORN but this White House does nothing to keep them safe in fact does everything it can to put the unborn in more danger.
Something the left doesn't embrace is that CRIMINALs don't obey the laws on the books now.
I thought the things Obama was going to come up with was going to stop another shooting like the one in Connecticut from happening. The shooter in that shooting stole the guns he used from his mother. No law Obama is pushing would have stopped that killer from commitmenting his crime.
Guns are not the problem. Guns in the hand of a well trained citizen can do much good. The true problem is we have forgotten God and values in America. The unborn have no rights. Things that go against God and his word are called good. No gun law will stop crime but a change in the values of our nation might stop it.
What do you think,
Until next time,
I'm Billy David Dickson

Billy David Dickson All Rights Reserved, 2013
This blog may be reproduced in whole or in part with a full attribution statement. Contact Billy or read more commentary on current issues at

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Godly Goals/Desires , Jan. 11, 2013 Commentary

Don't you think it is good to have a plan where you are headed in life.
Every New Year's Eve. around midnight I make out goals and desires I have for the new year.
Now goals are things you have control over desires are things you want to happen but have no control over. You may want to be a better worker or student that would be a good goal to have because you have control over that. You may also want a raise at your job that would be a desire because that is up to those you work for.
It is also good to have some spiritual goals and desires. Some spiritual examples would be to read through the Bible, pray more, share Christ with others. Thanks to a sermon my Pastor did around New Year's a desire I have this year is to have pain for those who don't know Christ. There are souls that we all know or should know who God created to know him who don't know him. Is that not a good desire to have.
Besides wanting to see others come to Christ in 2013 we should want to grow in our relationship with the Lord. Psalms 37:4 says delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.
If we want to be blessed by God and to know his will we have got to spend time with him.The purpose statement of a ministry I use to be with was to know God and make him known.
What do you think?
Until next time,
I'm Billy David Dickson
Billy David Dickson All Rights Reserved, 2013
This blog may be reproduced in whole or in part with a full attribution statement. Contact Billy or read more commentary on current issues at

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Christmas peace, children killed, and where was God, 12-25-12 Commentary

Where was God? That is a question many souls are asking after what took place at that grade school in Connecticut. Where was God when all those children were murdered. How could a good God allow that. It is terrible something like that happens around Christmas. Those are some of the feelings souls have expressed.
Some have said should not Christmas bring peace instead of children being killed. Some have acted like God was not there because he has been ordered out of the government schools by the court. Though that is not correct either legally, or is that correct far as Theology goes.
We often get the idea Christmas should bring about peace. Well where was God when all those children were murdered. No not in Connecticut but back around that first Christmas. You see the birth of the Christ child so upset an evil human King that he ordered little children to be murdered. When we say God brings peace to us that doesn't mean this world will always be a peaceful place but every soul that calls on the name of the Lord can live at peace because they know their soul is right with the Lord. So where was God when those killings happen in Connecticut the same place he was that first Christmas when evil King Herald order those little children killed. Matthew 1: 23 reads “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel”[d] (which means “God with us”).
Jesus came to be part of our lives. He came to help us have peace in our souls even while our world is at war. He will do that if we will admit we are sinners and that he took the punishment for our sins.
Have a blessed Christmas.
Until next time,
I'm Billy David Dickson
December 25, 2012
Billy David Dickson All Rights Reserved, 2012
This blog may be reproduced in whole or in part with a full attribution statement. Contact Billy or read more commentary on current issues at

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Guns, mental illness, and evil, 12-21-12 commentary

Before I get to today's commentary let me inform you I hope to post a special commentary here on the blog on Christmas Day or Christmas Eve .
A lot of people are asking why did that horrible school shooting take place in
Connecticut one week ago. There have been talk we need to get rid of all guns and blame is being put on the NRA. While we pray for that grade school and the families of the dead we do need to address some issues.
A. First off there has been talk that a mental illness that the shooter had is the reason. While mental illness is never an excuse it can be a reason. At the same time there are many souls who suffer from mental illness that would never think of doing something horrible like shooting up a school full of kids and teachers. There does need to be much discussion on what can be done to help those who have a mental illness and their families.
B. Guns and the NRA also are not to blame. A gun in the hands of a responsible citizen or police officer can do much good including stopping a horrible crime.
C. What is to blame is evil and sin. We as a nation and culture have bought into the lie that people are basically good. It is interesting that no ACLU chapter has gotten upset over President Obama referring to the Bible after the shooting or people in C.T. asking for prayer. Perhaps it is because we have rejected God's plan in our schools and culture that we have evil taking place today.
Pray for the people of Connecticut and for America.
What do you think.
Until next time,
I'm Billy David Dickson

Billy David Dickson All Rights Reserved, 2012
This blog may be reproduced in whole or in part with a full attribution statement. Contact Billy or read more commentary on current issues at