Saturday, August 16, 2014

Sarah Palin is wrong!

( Audio )
Just because somebody deserves something to happen to him  doesn't means it should. Lets image for a second that Gov. Sarah Palin and others get their wish and President Obama is impeached.
Here what a headlines could be.
 "First African American President impeached thanks to GOP."
      Does Obama deserve to be impeached ? Perhaps he does but that is not the question. Any move by the GOP to impeach him most likely will fail and doom their chances in the next election. Sarah Palin who is pushing it called into the Michael Medved radio show and they discussed the issue. Medved who is against impeaching Obama in a radio commentary said  even if the GOP sweeps this year’s elections and wins ten new Senate seats, they’d still need 12 Democrats to vote with them to remove Obama from office. Governor Palin couldn’t name a single Democratic Senator who might make that vote.
Besides Palin and a minority   members of the GOP no one is talking about impeachment. However if it happens it will be all over the media. Oh there are some others who are talking impeachment President Obama and the Democrats. They know talk of impeaching the President makes Obama out to be a victim  and keeps his failing record out of the spot light. If the GOP is smart they will keep Obama's record before the public while telling and showing what they will do different. If we follow Palin's wishes we are headed for at least four more years of a tax  and spend and anti life Democrat in the White House.
What do you think?
Until next time,
I'm Billy David Dickson
Thursday, August 14th, 2014
Billy David Dickson All Rights Reserved, 2014
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