Friday, April 27, 2012

Faithful Chuck Colson,4-27-12 commentary

A lot of people and much of the media will remember Chuck Colson who died last Saturday for his crimes to do with Watergate but I will remember him for being faithful.Chuck was committed to what the Bible taught about visiting those in prison as if you were visiting Jesus himself. When Chuck Colson left prison, he promised to remember the men who remained behind bars. “I will never forget you guys!” he told them.
And for 36 years, Chuck faithfully kept his word.In 1976, he founded Prison Fellowship, a ministry dedicated to living out Jesus’ command to remember the incarcerated and share the transformational love of Jesus Christ with them and their families.
“I could never, ever have left prison and accomplished what has been accomplished but for God doing it through me,” Chuck once said.
God Bless Chuck Colson, and God Bless his family.
What do you think?
Until next time,
I'm Billy David Dickson

This blog may be reproduced in whole or in part with a full attribution statement. Contact Billy or read more commentary on current issues at

Friday, April 20, 2012

Holocaust Remembrance , 4-20-12 commentary

listen to the audio of this commentary at the following link..,
Don't you think we need to recall evil events so that we don't see evil history repeated.
I am writing this commentary on Thursday, April 19th. In 1951, Israel's parliament established this day April 19 as Holocaust Remembrance Day, so as to never forget the evil genocide of two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population at the hands of Adolph Hitler's Nazi regime. Later, U.S. Congress established the Days of Remembrance, scheduled this year from April 15-22, We must remember the more than six million Jews who were killed during the Nazi Holocaust between 1938 and 1945. don’t you think.

What do you think?

Until next time,

I’m Billy David Dickson

This blog may be reproduced in whole or in part with a full attribution statement. Contact Billy or read more commentary on current issues at

Thursday, April 12, 2012

School board member wants coach fired for his views, 4-13-12 commentary

Regardless who you are here in America don't you have the freedom to speak your mind? Don't you? A school board member in Lincoln, Nebraska wants a football coach fired. What did he do abuse some child?
Nope he spoke his mind.
The coach is Ron Brown and he works for the University of Nebraska. As I told you in another commentary Coach Brown awhile back spoke out against a special ordinance to give special rights to gays and lesbians. The openly gay member of the Lincoln school board wrote a letter asking the university to fire Brown. Brown is not backing down "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever," he said "I have no fear of any man or any thing."
Good for Coach Brown.
Doesn't Brown as an American have a right to speak his mind.Oh I forgot Brown stands for Bible based values so some want to limit his freedoms.
What do you think.
Until Next Time,
I'm Billy David Dickson

This blog may be reproduced in whole or in part with a full attribution statement. Contact Billy or read more commentary on current issues at