Monday, January 16, 2012

Kings Values: 1-16-12 Commentary

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Today Monday, January 16, is Martin Luther King Day. Some Schools will be closed though I think it might be better to keep those schools opened and teach the kids about Martin Luther King but of course the kids aren’t going to hear about the values which guided King in the government schools.

During his Birmingham civil rights campaign, Dr. King required every participant to sign a pledge committing to do ten things. The first was to “meditate daily on the teachings and life of Jesus.” Others included the expectation that all participants would “walk and talk in the manner of love, for God is love;” and “pray daily to be used by God in order that all men might be free.”

Those of us who value life should be thankful for Dr. King.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Friday, January 6, 2012

Ron Paul Would Be Worst than Obama, 1-6-12 Commentary

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Are you a Ron Paul backer? If so do you support the Jewish State the nation of Israel who is one of America’s only friends in the middle east. If so listen to this.

David Rubin is an author. He remembers Paul's reaction three years ago, when Israel responded to terrorist rocket attacks on its innocent citizens."Ron Paul was on the news criticizing Israel for responding and referring to the Israeli troops surrounding Gaza as turning the Palestinians into like concentration camp victims," Rubin recalls. "This is absolutely anti-Israel."

Ron Paul would be worst than Obama when it comes to Israel. Don’t you think we need to support a friend like Israel.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Goals/Desires, 1-2-12 Commentary

Happy New Year! Listen to the commentary
Something I do every News Years Eve and or New Year’s Day is to make out my goals and or desires for the new year in fact I make out goals the first day of every month for the following 30 days. Perhaps you might want do the same this new year. Now don’t forget goals are things you have control over desires are things you want to happen but have no control over. How about having as a goal to find out what God’s will is. A way to do that is by opening up the Bible and reading it. Even if you are a non believer that would be a good goal because shouldn’t you know who you have said yes or no to.
What do you think.
Until Next Time,
I’m Billy David Dickson