Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 Picks

Listen to the commentary

What will be the top stories of 2012?

I am not a prophet or the son of one so call what I am about to say guesses.

As I said four years ago I once again predict Obama will be a one term president.

Radical Islam will keep growing and be a danger to us in the west.

Those of us who believe the Bible and believe the gay life is sinful will be made more and more out to be the bad guys.

The movement against the Christian faith in the government, the culture, and in the government schools will keep growing.

Some big or well known ministry will have some terrible crisis because they have forgotten the love of God I am sorry to post.

Well those are some of my picks. Only God knows what will happen and our faith needs to be in him not in those who will lead us or would like to lead us or anyone or anything else.

What do you think.

Until Next Year

I’m Billy David Dickson

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Our Greatest Need, and Christmas, 12-25-11 Commentary

Listen to the audio of the commentary

A Merry Christmas to you and yours. Here is something Max Lucade read on his radio program the other day.
If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent us an educator.
If our greatest need had been technology, God would have sent us a scientist.
If our greatest need had been money, God would have sent us an economist.
If our greatest need had been pleasure, God would have sent us an entertainer.
But our greatest need was forgiveness, so God sent us a Savior.
It isn’t Christmas until it happens in your heart. So take Jesus today and then it really will be Christmas for you.
Please have a blessed Christmas.
Until Next Time ,
I’m Billy David Dickson

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christopher Hitchens Life/Death, 1219-11 Commentary

Christopher Hitchens is dead. His life was ended thanks to the horrible illness of cancer. Chris was known for speaking out against God. He wrote the book God Is Not Great. After Dr. Jerry Falwell died he said it was a shame there was no hell for Dr. Falwell to go to. But before we condemn Hitchens we all should recall the one thief on the cross who came to faith just before his earthly life ended and accept that we all deserve hell because all of us are sinners. I hope Mr. Hitchens saw he was wrong before he died if not that is sadden than his death.
What do you think?
Until Next Time,
I'm Billy David Dickson

Newt Gingrich Gives it to the PLO, 12-12-11 Commentary

I am not ready to endorse him but I like the stand Newt Gingrich is taking when it comes to the PLO and Israel. Obama has done everything to hurt Israel while defending those who hate the Jewish people and the Jewish State. "these people are terrorists. They teach terrorism in their schools. They have textbooks that say, if there are 13 Jews and nine Jews are killed, how many Jews are left?"
The truth is children are taught to hate the Jewish people in schools that follow radial Islam.
Right now we have the most anti Israel President we have had at least since Jimmy Carter.
What do you think?
Until Next Time,
I'm Billy David Dickson

Friday, December 9, 2011

Tim Tebow is Like Paul, 12-9-11 Commentary

:Friday, December 09, 2011

Listen to the commentary here.
Tim Tebow perhaps should be nicknamed the Paul of football. Paul who wrote much of the New Testament said in Romans 1: 16 that he was not ashamed of the message of Jesus.

Like Paul Tebow has been given a hard time in the NFL for standing up for the Lord. During a recent game when Tim knelt on the field and prayed a Detroit linebacker did the same when he sacked Tebow. Only he wasn't praying--he was mocking. Like several people, one sports writer said it crossed the line. "Do you think the world would have been so accepting if players mocked a non-Christian?" he wrote. "The NFL would immediately send him to sensitivity training."

Tim is a good example lets hope more young people follow his example.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson