Monday, November 07, 2011
As many of you know this last Friday, November 4th my radio commentary program on KCRO radio ended but from time to time I will post a commentary here on my blog. Today I am doing the first one of those.
I want read something I wrote in a newsletter that I send out to family, and others who pray and support the work I do.
I believe it is harder to grow up today than in other times. No debate it has never been easy going through your teens or preteens. However once the same values and messages were preached in the church, in the school house, and in the home. Not today. You see the value that all human life is a gift from God put down. You see marriages breaking up perhaps even in your own home. You see anyone who stands up for God or faith in a higher power ridiculed by the media. You see different churches by a single vote of her leaders no longer calling sin what the Bible calls sin. So yes it is harder growing up today but as soul who has worked with young people for many years I am trying through what I do to show young people there are values like family, and faith in God that will remain even when things are shaky.
What do you think?
Until Next Time,
I’m Billy David Dickson