Sunday, October 30, 2011

Last Commentary 11-4-11 Commentary

(audio )

There is a saying all good things must come to an end. The Bible also says there is a time or season for everything under the sun. I have enjoyed doing these radio commentaries but God is closing this ministry door for me so this will be my last radio program.

I love radio ministry so I pray God opens the door again for me to be on radio.

I want to thank some people here at KCRO radio Jackie, Nick, and Connie have been a super help in helping me do these commentaries along with the whole KCRO family.

From time to time I will post a commentary on my blog. Thanks also to all of you who have been faithful to listen to these commentaries. I would not have had a show if it wasn’t for you.

Above all thanks to the Lord for allowing me to do this ministry.

What do you think.


I’m Billy David Dickson

Thanksgiving 11-3-11 Commentary

(audio )

This month we celebrate Thanksgiving. I thought today I would tell you some of what I am thankful for.

I am thankful for a God who loves me in spite of my short comings.

I am thankful for my family.

I am thankful for the gifts God has given me.

I am thankful for those of you who listen to these radio commentaries.

Above all I am thankful for Jesus who has provided a way to heaven if we will only come to him on his terms.

Now a side note tomorrow I will have a very special commentary it will be my last one.

What do you think.

Until Next Time.

I am Billy David Dickson

Warren Buffett's Money has Blood on it 11-2-11 Commentary

(audio )

Awhile back Warren Buffett said that rich people were not paying enough in taxes. If Mr. Buffett doesn’t think the government charges him enough in taxes no one including Uncle Sam will stop him from sending more money to Washington.

However instead of being concerned about who pays what in taxes Mr. Buffett should do some hard thinking on what he does with his own money.

Mr. Buffett’s money has blood on it’s hands. He is a big supporter of Planned Parenthood the # one provider of abortions in America. I don’t know about you but I want my money used for good and Godly things not to kill children. What do you think. Until Next Time I’m Billy David Dickson

Rev. Jimmy Creech and the Bible 11-1-11 Commentary

( listen to the commentary)

If a soul is called to be a Pastor should they not be committed to all of God’s word instead of trying to change the culture and make it into a creation of the radical left.

It has been more than a decade since then-Rev. Jimmy Creech made Nebraska a focus in the American culture wars by performing same-sex union ceremonies that eventually led to the stripping of his credentials as a Methodist minister.

Creech, now 66, has continued to be an activist on same sex marriage and related issues, Some say Creech didn’t follow the teachings of his church but a worst offense is that Creech disobeyed God’s word. He will have to defend his actions before God one day. Church Laws can be wrong but God’s word is never wrong.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Halloween 10-31-11 Commentary

( MP3 )

Tonight is Halloween. Kids all over America will be dressing up. Followers of Jesus have different views on this holiday. I think it might be a great night to meet your neighbors by taking the kids in your neighborhood to a church harvest party, or passing out some Christian tracks with the candy you give out however not everyone agrees with me. One thing all followers of Jesus should agree with we are in a spiritual fight with the devil.

These are the reasons I believe in a real devil... The Bible says there is one, How does one explain evil, and just look at what is taking place in the news. How can there not be a devil but Jesus is greater than he. What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Preachers Should Focus on Jesus, Not Voting 10-28-11 Commentary

A Pastor who recently was encouraging people to vote for somebody said another man who is running for President who happens to belong to the Mormon church belongs to a cult.

I happen to agree that the Mormon church is a cult but should a Pastor get involved with politics I don’t think so. Pastors should address political issues that can be found in the Bible like on abortion, and marriage but they should not tell us because somebody happens to be a Christian or a Mormon we should vote for or against him/her.

The message of salvation in Jesus and teaching God’s word should be the first priory preachers are concerned about not politics.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Jews Put Their Faith Before Football 10-27-11 Commentary

If you had to decide to put your faith, or something else first what would you decide. I broadcast from the city of Omaha in the state of Nebraska. Football is like a god to many souls here in Nebraska.

Awhile back the local paper reported on how the most religious holiday for our Jewish friends was going to take place on a Saturday during a Nebraska football game. The paper told about how some Jewish people were going to pick their faith over watching the football game. I thought would followers of Jesus pick something over Jesus. Nothing football, a job, a hobby should come before the Lord. What do you think. Until Next Time I’m Billy David Dickson

Standing up for Jesus in Iran Could Cost you Your Life 10-26-11

Would you stand up for Jesus if it might end your life. A Pastor in Iran has been charged with apostasy: in this case, converting from Islam to Christianity. I am recording this on Friday, October 14 but you won’t hear it until October 26 this Pastor might already be dead when you hear this. The trouble for this Pastor started when he complained about his son being forced to read from the Koran. That was brave of him to do. This Pastor has been sentenced to death for his refusal to “repent and go back to Islam.

What would you do if you were that Pastor would you stand for Jesus. Pray for our brothers and sisters who unlike us here in the West are truly suffering for the Lord around the world in places like Iran.

What do you think.

Until Next Time I’m Billy David Dickson

Don't Vote for the Christian 10-25-11 Commentary

Should we ask those who are running for office if another candidate is a Christian?

That is a question that came up awhile back. The question concerned if Mitt Romney who is a Mormon is a Christian. I have done other commentaries in which I have given my thoughts on the Mormon Church so I won’t take time to do that now. I believe the question about another soul’s faith is taking us away from the issues that the next election should be about. What will the person do if elected, how do they feel about human life. What kind of person are they do they follow what they preach. The question far as voting should be about who a person is not where they stand with the Lord unless that directly affects public policy. What do you think. Until Next Time I’m Billy David Dickson

No More Rosary at School 10-24-11 Commentary

If we outlaw everything good that has been used for bad would we not outlaw everything.

The Fremont Nebraska school district has banned a necklace that looks like a rosary after police told officials it’s also being worn by gang members.

I am not Catholic and I don’t believe in saying a prayer using a rosary but why is a government school stopping something that some students and their parents believe in. The Schools allow everything sinful but not anything that speaks kindly of faith. Perhaps it is time for Catholic parents to remove their children from the government schools. Is this school also going to band the Cross because the KKK has used it. Oh I forgot this is a government school so the cross is already outlawed from it. What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Friday, October 21, 2011

Mitt Romney's Faith (the Mormon Church) 10-21-11 Commentary

  • (mp3 )

  • I want to enforce this is not a political commentary. I may even end up voting for Gov. Mitt Romney, this is a commentary about the faith that Gov. Romney follows (the Mormon Church). Mitt Romney has said his faith believes in Jesus Christ.
  • This is what the Mormon church believes..
  • Jesus Christ was conceived by sexual intercourse between God and the Virgin Mary.
  • The Bible is filled with errors and the Book of Mormon and the words of all Mormon prophets must be valued ahead of the Bible.
  • God was once human like us, , and “became God” through faith and good works — just as we can do ourselves.
  • It doesn’t look to me like the Mormon faith is teaching the Jesus Christ of the Bible does it to you.
  • What do you think.
  • Until Next Time
  • I’m Billy David Dickson

Prayers to Jesus No, Islam Prayers Yes 10-20-11 Commentary

Why does the ACLU back some faith based souls but not others. The ANC (American News Commentary) reported in its September 21, 2011 issue that the ACLU is defending the right of Muslims to exercise prayer in public schools in San Diego… Really? I am not joking.
Over the last 40 years or so, the ACLU has terrified many school boards, school administrators, and school children by threatening to drag them into court if they pray in public. However now they are going to back followers of Islam who want to express their faith in the government schools.
I guess the ACLU knows that Christians and Jews won’t murder those who try to stop them but followers of Islam will. Christians will just pray for those who are against them unlike followers of Islam.
What do you think.
Until Next Time
I’m Billy David Dickson

Jesus Candy Case 10-19-11 Commentary


Why don’t those on the left fight for the rights of faith based kids. A long-anticipated decision has finally been handed down by the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in the infamous “candy cane” case.

The court has ruled that the Plano (Texas) Independent School District violated the Constitution by not allowing a student to hand out candy cane pens with a religious message at his class “winter” party nine years ago.

I wonder in this case where are those on the left who are always yelling kids have a right to view porn on school computers, and schools don’t have a right to keep kids from going to places on the web that might not be good for them.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Jail, or Church, 10-18-11 Commentary


The ACLU says an Alabama town should not start a program that will allow offenders to choose whether they serve a jail sentence or attend church every Sunday for a year.

I have mixed feelings on this issue. I think it would be good that some who do crime end up in a church house instead of a jail house on the other hand if it is the wrong kind of church that doesn’t preach the Bible or call souls to repent it won’t help change those who have done crime.

However knowing the ACLU most of the time is against good and Godly things overall this must be a good idea.

The Bible says if anyone will put their faith in Christ they become a new person.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Obama Is Not God, 10-17-11 Commentary

(mp3 )

Do you know any person who can walk on water? I don’t.
Recently on The Gospel Coalition blog, Kevin DeYoung offered a blunt reminder: “the President is not GodAmericans, even those who are followers of Jesus , have a tendency to want our President to “right every wrong and solve every problem,
During the last President election some backers of Obama made it out like he could walk on water. Back when Reagan was in office at the convention of Religious Broadcasters a well known Pastor kept track which name was talked about more Jesus or Reagan. Reagan won. Jesus is the answer.
There is a place for politics but no human can solve all of our problems.
What do you think.
Until Next Time
I’m Billy David Dickson

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

One sin worst than another or better than another? 10-14-11 Commentary

Is one kind of sin worst than another or better than another?





THE ARMED SERVICES. I don’t believe it was good for our

nation or for the military to end this policy.

However why should one bad behavior be ranked ahead of another




but according to God Sin is sin.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

No Pleasure in Death 10-13-11 Commentary

Don’t you think those of us who follow Christ

should not take the pleasure in the death of anyone even if it is done by

the state and is justified. Up front this is not a commentary about

Rick Perry and I am not saying don’t cast your vote for him.

I like many things he has said but the other night he was off base.

The other night in reply to a question Gov.

Perry said he has not lost any sleep over putting anyone to death.

Now there might be times when the state has no choice but to put somebody

to death but it is not something that should be easy to do and it for sure

shouldn’t be something to cheer about as the crowd did in response to

Gov. Perry’s reply.

Besides doesn’t the Bible somewhere tell us not to take pleasure in the death

of the wicked.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Rob Bell Should Preach About Hell 10-12-11 Commentary

If a preacher is faithful to the call to preach they need to preach at times

about sin and hell don’t you agree. Rob Bell has decided to leave Mars Hill

Church, the Michigan, megachurch he and his wife founded 12 years ago, to

focus on a broader audience, Bell is the author of Love Waits which gives the

idea no one goes to hell.

Perhaps this church now can get a Pastor who truly believes the Bible

including the parts about Hell. Just because a pastor or lay person

doesn’t like something in the Bible doesn’t mean the Bible isn’t correct.

As I heard somebody say once if you disagree with the Bible it is you not

the word of God that needs to change.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Is youth ministry and youth groups good for churches 10-11-11 Commentary

Is youth ministry and youth groups good for churches. Producers of the documentary film Divided: Is Age-Segregated Ministry Multiplying or Dividing the Church is raising concerns whether modern youth ministry is contrary to scripture. As a soul who has worked in youth ministry and with young people in the church and out of the church for years I believe youth ministry if done right can add to the mission of the church.

If the leaders of the youth group are committed to preaching/teaching young people the Bible, showing them their need for Christ, and helping them grow in their understanding of God, and the Bible the youth group is a good thing. However if youth leaders ever forget the Bible and God and youth groups become a place to put the kids so they don’t get in the way of the real ministry to the adults it is not a good thing.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Voting for a President Not Pastor of a Church 10-10-11 Commentary




TURN. Jimmy Carter spoke of being born again but what he did as President upset most EVANGELICALS.

The best person to put in the White House is the one who will

advance the views of us EVANGELICALS.

No matter if that person is a Bible believing Christian, or Jewish, or a Mormon. Remember We are not electing a Pastor.

That might be Perry but might not be we shall see.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------