Sunday, August 28, 2011

Harmless crime? Not! 9-2-11 Commentary

Don’t you think something which has led to these things sex trafficking, violence against women, and long lasting effects on children and families is not a harmless crime.

Over the years, many have claimed that porn is a harmless crime. But the evidence shows that porn is harmful. It hurts women, children, families, and has made our nation more broken.

A very troubling development is that there have been zero prosecutions of illegal, hardcore adult pornography under the Obama administration. Let me say that again zero prosecutions. Thanks Attorney General Eric Holder.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Why Norway 9-1-11 Commentary

When something bad happens I believe we should look at why it happened not to make excuses but to explain it and keep it from happening again don’t you agree.

The nation of Norway is a paradise on earth . That all changed when in July Norway had their own 9/11 happen. Norway is in a state of absolute, total shock in the aftermath of one of the most heartless acts of terrorism since the 9/11 attacks. The problem is the people of Norway awhile back turned away from God. They deny the doctrine of sin. An police spokesperson said this “What the world needs to understand about Norway, is that this incident represents our loss of innocence, because we’ve been a very safe country to live in until now.” She then added: “There’s been no reason to keep people in prison for life.” But there has been and always will be. It’s the three letter word called sin.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

My Birthday, History 8-31-11 Commentary

This is what happened today in history Aug. 31. in 1980, representatives of the communist government of Poland agreed to the demands of striking workers . In 1886 – A South Carolina earthquake killed 100 souls. In 1888 Mary Ann Nichols is murdered. She is the first of Jack the Ripper's confirmed victims. In 1920 – The first radio news program is broadcast by 8MK in Detroit, Michigan.

On August 31, 1966 a guy named Billy David Dickson was born to William and Betty Dickson in Omaha, Nebraska. That is right I am 45 years young today.

The best birthday gift I have been given is to know the one who died for me and rose again so that by faith alone I could be justified and to know I am growing closer to him. What a birthday gift do you have that gift? What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Media Labeling Some Things Bad 8-30-11 Commentary

Don’t you find interesting that the media will label some who do horrible things but not others who do horrible things. When somebody blows up an abortion clinic or murders an abortion doctor they are quick to call the murder a pro life radical.

Then in that Norway shooting at that youth camp much of the media called the shooter a Christian fundamentalist" but as my friend Cal Thomas posted on Twitter they don’t link followers of Islam who do bad things with the Islam faith even though Islam teaches it’s followers to hate others unlike the Christian faith. Also leaders in the pro life community or followers of Christ are quick to separate their faith and views from those who do horrible things in their name unlike followers of Islam.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Treat Inmates Godly 8-29-11 Commentary

Don’t you think we should treat all human beings as made in the image of God. That is what my Bible teaches. That means everyone even those who may have done things wrong in life. Many U.S. correctional facilities do not provide air conditioning in their cell blocks, which leaves inmates with no choice but to sweat out the high temperatures during the Summer. Yes those who are in prison should be punished but we should respond the way Jesus would. Based on my understanding of the Lord and his word he wants us to treat all souls with respect even though we may not agree with the choices they have made.

Also lets not forget if it wasn't for God's grace we too could be in a prison cell because all of us are sinners according to God even if the world we live in says our sin isn’t that bad.

What do you think.

Until Next Time,

I’m Billy David Dickson

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Free Education at Private School 8-26-11 Commentary

Mt. Calvary Lutheran School will grant free tuition — a $3,130 value — to new students who enroll in kindergarten through seventh grade for the 2011-12 school year. Families are not obligated to return the year after. All that school officials ask is that the families give serious consideration to staying with the school. "We're calling it an act of faith," the head teacher said. "We're praying that they will like our school and want to come back." What a cool thing for this school to do and a great idea. As a person who believes we should pull our kids out of the government schools this does away with the excuse we don't have enough money to put our children in private schools.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Trust Jesus and All Your Problems Are Gone 8-25-11 Commentary

One of the biggest lies is given too often when we tells souls the gospel of Jesus Christ. That is if you will trust Jesus as your Savior all your problems will go away.

There are a lot of books and songs and sermons and church banners that talk about “victory” and “peace” and “joy” but rare are the ones that deal with struggle and tension, hardship, and pain. But life in a fallen world includes both sides, Faith in God should not reject the bad stuff or take it away but faith helps you cope and go through the hard stuff don’t you think.

A trial will make you a better person or a bitter person. Perhaps this is why the church is growing in places where it is hard to follow God like China.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Omaha Public Schools and Tax Money 8-24-11 Commentary

Don’t you think schools in these hard times should spend tax money in a way that will help kids . The Omaha Public Schools used federal stimulus dollars to buy each teacher, administrator and staff member a manual on how to become more culturally sensitive.

The authors of this book assert that American government and institutions create advantages that “channel wealth and power to white people,” Doesn’t this show you that children of Godly parents don’t belong in these schools. We can no longer hide behind the idea we live in the Midwest where people follow family values. Don’t you think this money could have been used to truly help all the students like for the purchase of Bibles but they would never do that because of the separation of church and state. Remember this when board members are up for reelection .

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Rick Perry's Faith 8-23-11 Commentary

Don’t you think all Americans should be able to follow their faith regardless who they are. An atheist organization filed a suite against Texas Governor Rick Perry, for initiating a private prayer event that took place August 6 in Houston.
The Freedom from Religion Foundation filed a suit in federal court over the prayer event that was sponsored by the American Family Association (AFA). The press release states that the pro-family group "promotes a rabid evangelical Christian agenda that is hostile to nonbelievers, non-Christians and other protected groups, such as gays and lesbians." I guess these folks want freedom from faith. They can follow their own beliefs but they should not try to stop us who believe in God and the power of prayer from following our beliefs. Perhaps we need to start praying that these folks get right with the Lord.)
What do you think.
Until Next Time I’m Billy David Dickson

God Before Your Job 8-22-11 Commentary

We need more souls who are willing to put their faith before anything including their jobs don’t you agree?


Would you be willing to chose God over your job. Don’t forget the Bible says those who honor God he will honor 1 Samuel 2:30

God will also meet our needs even if we have to quit a job.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Baseball and Faith 8-19-11 Commentary

Don’t you think it is nice when we see faith lifted up. Liberals like to hit the ball hard on faith, but the MLB says it's fair territory.

At a time when bashing Christians seems to be a favorite pastime, of those who are anti God and anti faith it's nice to see many professional teams bringing glory to faith. This summer, more and more clubs are scheduling special Faith and Family nights for fans.

In the Houston Astros' case, that means a free Christian concert, special player testimonies, and an all-around good night of fellowship. For some teams, it's a long-standing tradition. The Kansas City Royals, Florida Marlins, and Philadelphia Phillies all have outreaches to the local Christian community.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Reject Negative Parts of the Bible 8-18-11 Commentary

I think a preacher that cares about preaching the word of God should not preach part of the Bible but reject the parts of Bible he doesn’t like what about you.

I love to watch videos on the You Tube channel. Awhile back I watched a video that had a well known pastor who preaches positive thinking and has a TV ministry. This pastor said when he started his TV ministry he only wanted the positive verses from the Bible not the negative verses read.

Don’t you think if a Pastor is truly committed to the word he should preach all the Bible including the parts about God judging us, and sin. By the way this pastor’s church is having some trouble today which has made the news.

I wonder if God could be judging his ministry. I don’t know I am not God but I do wonder.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Obama Backs School Choice 8-17-11 Commentary

During a recent Twitter town hall chat, President Obama admitted he personally benefited from school choice when he was an elementary student. The president explained that if it were not for the scholarship he received to attend a prestigious private school in Hawaii when he was ten years old, he would not be president today.
Lindsey Burke, education analyst at The Heritage Foundation, says she was astonished by the remark. "It was very interesting, but certainly surprising to hear him acknowledge the life-changing outcomes that school choice has had for him," she explains. We need school choice for all children, poor kids should get the same chances that Obama got to make his life better don’t you think.
What do you think.
Until Next Time
I’m Billy David Dickson

Under Attack for Faith 8-16-11 Commentary

I don’t think calling somebody who can help you should upset others do you? Well A mayor in Pennsylvania is under attack for encouraging her community's citizens to call on God in the midst of a financial crisis. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania is in a quandary over its budget,

So Mayor Linda Thompson turned to God for prayer and three days of fasting for help in deciding what to do for the city and its future. When a leader admits she doesn't have the answer and we need to turn our problems over to God she is given heat. What a sinful thing for her to do! We need more people like this mayor. I don’t think if she called on the god of Islam she would have been given a hard time. What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

People Do Change 8-15-11 Commentary

So have you ever done something wrong and have since been changed. A letter to my local paper suggested that the state get inmates to help fill sand bags to help those who have been hurt by the floods in our part of the country.

Well a person by the name of LR. wrote in reply. He called inmates losers and lazy.

I agree with inmates have done wrong who need to be punished but God can change anyone and I know those in prison who have been changed. Perhaps LR should go visit some prison ministry to see what the Lord can do behind bars and how inmates have been changed by the grace of God. Besides all of us are in sinners even if we are not in prison.

What do you think

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Casey Anthony and Right to Life 8-12-11

Don’t you find it funny in a sad way that the media gets upset over somethings but not other things. It wasn’t the verdict that most expected or wanted. “Not guilty” were the words repeated by the jury for Casey Anthony for the charges of abusing or killing her two-year old daughter Caylee. She was found guilty of four charges of lying to police, but is now free though she is not free spirituality.
Rush Limbaugh pointed to the hypocrisy of the pro-abortion media upset about the verdict, stating that if the killing took place just two years earlier in the womb, the media would have considered her a star or a hero.
Don’t you think the media should hate all murder.
What do you think.
Until Next Time
I’m Billy David Dickson

Cemetery is banning the mention of God 8-11-11

If you are like me when a love one dies doesn’t it help if somebody says God Bless you or God cares about you.

Well there is one place that isn’t taking place. A Texas-based law firm that defends First Amendment freedoms finds it "completely outrageous" that the Houston National Cemetery is banning the mention of God from veterans' funerals. Liberty Institute has filed suit on behalf of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), The American Legion, and The National Memorial Ladies. When a love one has a family member die they need to be shown and told the love of God.

This sounds like something which would take place in the old Soviet Union. A place where there was no hope after death.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

NEA Loves Obama 8-10-11

Don’t you think the main jobs of teachers and those who are working on behalf of teachers is the education of kids. The nation's largest education union (the NEA) has endorsed President Barack Obama's 2012 re-election campaign. Members of the National Education Association voted to support Obama at their annual convention in Chicago.

What does electing Obama have to do with helping kids. It for sure won’t help those kids who haven’t been born since Obama is radical pro. abortion. The NEA opposes school choice everywhere which would give poor kids the same chances as rich kids to get a good education.

This is too bad because there are many good teachers in the government schools who are putting the kids first.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson

Death Row Man Changed 8-9-11

Don’t you think we should know when condemned souls expressed remorse. Awhile back Nebraska’s Gov. who I like Dave Heineman expressed some frustration over how the courts in our land works Heineman was talking about the case involving Carey D. Moore who was put on death row in Nebraska for the horrible murders of some cab drivers in Omaha back in 1979.
“I find it frustrating, and I’m a bit angry that we’re worried about the cruel and unusual punishment about these criminals, ,” “I don’t hear them express any remorse about their victims and their families.” Gov. Heineman said.
I happen to have a ministry to those in prison and the good Gov. should know Carey Moore is a changed man. He has expressed remorse for his crimes. He is now a child of God. I leave it up to the courts if he should be put to death but please know he is a changed man. What do you think.
Until Next Time
I’m Billy David Dickson

CA. School Values 8-8-11

Do you want your children and or grandchildren being taught values that contradict yours. Well that is what might take place in the California public schools or as I call them government schools.

A California's bill that would require public schools to teach about prominent figures in lesbian, "gay," bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) history has gone to the governor's desk for signing.

I hope Gov. Brown rejects this bill but since he is from the left when it comes to politics I would not be shocked if he gives this bill his blessing. Again this may just be another good reason for the good people of California to remove their kids from the education camps known as the government schools don’t you think.

What do you think.

Until Next Time

I’m Billy David Dickson ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------