Welcome to the blog where you can read transcripts of my commentaries.You can listen to my commentaries and read my thoughts on a number of issues by going to my main blog http://billydteacher.wordpress.com/.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
School Shooting Jan. 27th Commentary
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Catholic Church silent at wrong time Jan. 26th Commentary
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Jan. 25th Commentary Animal Abuser Changed?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
84 Year Old Man Wants to Marry a Young Lady Jan. 21 Commentary
What do you think a 84 year old man who wants to marry a 24 year old. To find out my thoughts listen to my radio commentary. ( audio )
Friday, January 21, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Openly of Abortion Mill Jan. 19th commentary

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Jan. 13 Radio Commentary Why they Attack Jesus and Not Islam
Jan. 14th Commentary Obama Has Kept His Promise
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Jan.11 Commentary Jesus is Coming Back in 2011
Jailhouse Religion
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Jan. 6th Commentary a Phone Call I Got
Thursday, January 6, 2011
death panels
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Jan. 4th Commentary Top 2010 News Stories
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Jan. 3 Commentary Happy New Year 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Obama is Pushing Old People to Die
It looks like President Obama is going to go around the American people to tell old people they have a duty to die. You may recall when the debate was going on to do with government healthcare that President Obama said it would not include the right to die but guess what it is going to. Sarah Palin warned us and she was laughed at. It turns out she was right. Listen to a radio commentary on this right here.
What is so Amazing About the Christmas Story
So what is so amazing about the Christmas story. I point out somethings in a video I posted a few days again on my You Tube channel. (12 26 10 What is so Amazing About the Christmas Story )
Hugh Hefner Engaged
The Playboy founder is engaged to girlfriend Crystal Harris, 24, he announced on Twitter.
"After the movie tonight, Crystal & I exchanged gifts. I gave Crystal a ring. A truly memorable Christmas Eve," Hefner, 84, wrote. "When I gave Crystal the ring, she burst into tears. This is the happiest Christmas weekend in memory."
Crystal Harris Playboy Playmate, Hugh HefnerEngaged : People.com
Homosexual to lead NC church group
The North Carolina Council of Churches has elected an openly homosexual man as its incoming president. (Homosexual to lead NC church group)
The council selected 55-year-old Stan Kimer, a lay leader in the Metropolitan Community Churches -- a denomination that ministers to homosexual men and women.
The council's executive director, the Rev. George Reed, says this is the first time a southern state church council has been led by an openly homosexual person.
(Billy's Thoughts>>> If any Bible teaching church belong to this group they should get out ASAP.)
Government Can't Handle a Snow Storm How Can It Handle Healthcare
Days after a swift-moving, gusty blizzard dumped more than two feet of snow on some parts of New York City, thousands of taxpayers remain stranded on plowless side streets as the city struggles to combat a rising surge in frustration.
Even the normally reliable MTA service remains problematic, with the B and Q lines being suspended for the third day -- more than 40 hours after the snow stopped falling -- and other lines subjected to limited service as much criticized cleanup efforts continue. ( Bloomberg: 'I'm angry too'...New Yorkers, stop complaining...)
(Billy's Thoughts>>> This should prove that government can't most of our problems but yet those on the left and this White House wants it to run healthcare. Those of you on the left please explain that to me.)
Selection of 'gay' leader no step toward Christian unity
Posted by Billy on Wednesday, December 29, 2010 10:52:38 AM
A Christian renewal group says by electing an open homosexual to be its leader, an alliance of North Carolina churches has undermined its own purpose.
The North Carolina Council of Churches has chosen an open homosexual as its president-elect. He is 55-year-old Stan Kimer, a lay leader in the Metropolitan Community Church, which consists largely of homosexuals and lesbians.
According to its website, the purpose of the ecumenical organization is to promote "Christian unity." But the vote in favor of Kimer, says Alan Wisdom of the Washington, DC-based Institute on Religion & Democracy, accomplishes just the opposite.
"All major branches of the Christian church -- the Roman Catholics, the Eastern Orthodox, the evangelicals, the African-Americans, the historic Protestant denominations for the most part -- agree that God's standard of sexual morality is the marriage of man and woman and that homosexual relationships are not in accord with Christian teaching," he explains. (Selection of 'gay' leader no step toward Christian unity )
(Billy's Thoughts>>> Where truth is not being preached there can't be unity. The word of God which is the truth must be preached first. )
Catholic Church silent at wrong time
An advocate for America's fighting men and women says she's disappointed the Catholic Church didn't take a stronger stance against the recent lame-duck Congress's reckless decision to repeal the law that banned homosexuals from military service.
In a recent interview, Washington Cardinal Donald Wuerl said the Roman Catholic Church has no official position on whether homosexual men and women should be allowed to serve openly in the military.
Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, says it appeared that Wuerl was not prepared for the question.
"...And he should have been [prepared], because the archbishop who is in charge of military services based in Washington, DC, did issue a statement back in June recommending that the law not be repealed," Donnelly points out.
"But when the issue got right down to the final vote -- the one that ultimately was successful," she laments, "the Catholic Church, among other organizations that had spoken in June, were silent." (Catholic Church silent at wrong time)
Fight for the Jewish People
With anti-Semitic acts peaking in one California County, a Messianic Jew says those contributing to the acts may be unknowingly attacking God.
A report released recently by the Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations showed that anti-Semitic acts rose 49 percent in 2010, with one out of five "hate crimes" conducted against the Jewish population and institutions. Susan Perlman, director of communications for Jews for Jesus, attributes the hatred against Jews to an ongoing spiritual war -- and points out that God himself promised to preserve his chosen people. (Jesus - the remedy for anti-Semitism)
She contends the only thing that can demolish racial prejudice and anti-Semitism is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
No to Christmas Shopping by Chuck Colson
Christmas Eve Commentary
Paul Harvey on the Incarnation of Jesus (The man and the Birds)
A tradition at my house was every Christmas playing Paul Harvey on the radio reading an essay on how a so called good moral man who did not believe in the Christmas story found out why God sent us his son. Well that tradition ended a few years ago when Paul Harvey died. Thanks to a blog I read yesterday I found a link to the story. If you like to read it please click on the following link The Man and the Birds by Paul Harvey. If you would rather be blessed like I am by hearing Paul Harvey read the story, It's right here.
Birthday Invite
What If It Is True
What If It's True? By Cal Thomas
Suppose what some call the "Christmas story" is true -- all of it, from the angels, to the shepherds, to the virgin birth, to God taking on human flesh. By this, I don't mean to suggest it is true only for those who believe it to be true, but what if it is objectively true, no matter what the deniers say? What difference would it make? Should it make any difference?
The narrative and the quotations written by the physician named Luke and by John, the closest disciple of Jesus of Nazareth, are unique and exclusive. The genealogical line of Jesus compiled by Matthew the tax collector is impressive and compelling. The words spoken by Jesus and recorded by these men are phenomenal. They expose the inner darkness of Man, offering a roadmap out, while also revealing the light of God, offering directions into His presence.
The information provided by witnesses to these events are either true, or not. The claims leave no room for middle ground, despite what some "theologians" claim. If they are not true, one must conclude "the greatest story ever told" was the result of the greatest conspiracy in history from which not a single "conspirator" later recanted. The One who spoke such heartwarming words, as C.S. Lewis has noted, was either a liar, a fool, or he told the truth. There are no other options.
(Billy's Thoughts>>> The above is part of a column Cal Thomas wrote. I would encourage you to take time to read the whole column this Christmas Season.What If It's True?