Sunday, June 24, 2012

Calling Church Off Can Be Good, 6-22-12 Commentary

Can it ever be good for a church to cancel services?
A goal I have for my blog is to point out people that are making difference for good and Godly things.
I also want to discuss on these commentaries churches that are making a difference in our culture for good and Godly things. Too many churches have become Christian clubs for believers on Sunday morning and don't even give thought to a world full of dying souls.
However there are some Bible teaching churches which are doing what Master Jesus taught about going into the whole world.
Shadow Lake Community Church in Papillion, Nebraska is such a church. A few weeks ago it canceled services at the church so its members could volunteer their time with different ministries that are reaching out. Shadow Lake Community Church is a MAD church a make a difference church. Thank God for them and the other mad churches which are touching people with the love of Jesus.
What do you think.
Until next time,
I'm Billy David Dickson

Billy David Dickson All Rights Reserved, 2012
This blog may be reproduced in whole or in part with a full attribution statement. Contact Billy or read more commentary on current issues at

Friday, June 22, 2012

Food Police, 6-8-12 Commentary

Don't you think it should be parents who raise kids not the government or the creators of cartoons.
On Tuesday, The Walt Disney Company announced that it will require advertisers on its media properties (including ABC Saturday morning cartoons) to follow strict new set of nutritional guidelines.
I am all for people having good health habits but I also find it funny in a sad way that Disney wants to keep kids from eating foods that might not be good for them but they have gay days at their parks when kids see sinful sexual behaviors in public which may not be good for their souls.
Disney was once known as a family friendly group but not today. Disney needs to let parents and no one else police their kids eating habits.
What do you think,
Until Next Time,
I'm Billy David Dickson
Billy David Dickson All Rights Reserved, 2012
This blog may be reproduced in whole or in part with a full attribution statement. Contact Billy or read more commentary on current issues at

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Some Leaders in the USA Are on the same Page as the Heads of China ,6-1-12 commentary

Please forgive me if I sound angry today but I am upset. Most good people in America would say we are and should be different than the evil leaders of China right. Here is one way that there is not much difference between China and us in the good old USA. Yesterday Democrats in the House of Representatives voted down a bill that would ban sex selective abortions. The legislation needed a two-thirds vote and Democrats voted overwhelmingly against the legislation after President Barack Obama and Planned Parenthood came out in opposition.
In defending President Obama's opposition to the bill, the White House Press Secretary said, "the end result of this legislation would be to subject doctors to criminal prosecution if they fail to determine the motivations behind a very personal and private decision. That is a lie. The truth is the bill would punish doctors who did abortions based on the sex of the child. Sad but this is one issue where some of our leaders are on the same page as the evil leaders in China.
What do you think,
Until next time,
I'm Billy David Dickson

Billy David Dickson All Rights Reserved, 2012
This blog may be reproduced in whole or in part with a full attribution statement. Contact Billy or read more commentary on current issues at